The Patient Portal, offered by Bourbon Medical Group is an easy and convenient way to manage your health information and communicate privately with your care team. You can access the Patient Portal using a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.
Be sure to take advantage of all the benefits of the Patient Portal, such as:
- Schedule or change appointments online 24/7
- Secure messaging with your care team
- Refill or request prescriptions
- View personal health information
- View lab results on your time
- Easily pay your bill
How to Register:
You can register for the Patient Portal in 2 easy steps:
1. Provide your email address to our practice staff next time you schedule an appointment, or you're in the office.
2. Click to register when you receive an email prompting you to register and set a password.
You can decide if you would like to be contacted by email, text message, or phone when there is something to review.
If you're having trouble getting connected, please contact your provider's office.